Tactical Heart Read online

Page 13

  Without a moment’s hesitation, I follow after her.

  My mind is screaming for me to stop. My heart is demanding that I give her space.

  But my biggest nerd fantasy just came to life before my very eyes, and my raging dick has taken over.

  The rest of me never stood a chance.



  I duck into the nearest door and sigh with relief when it’s an empty conference room. I can hide in here for a few minutes and then head in the opposite direction Kane was going. With a smug smile, I mentally pat myself on the back for the quick thinking.

  I take a few steps into the empty room and do a small twirl, loving the way the satin feels as it brushes against my skin. Halfway in my spin, I come to a halting stop as my eyes widen in surprise.

  Kane leans against the door, watching me with a smirk playing on his lips. I swallow hard as I realize he’s in cosplay also, regal from head to toe as the traitor king.

  Oh...oh my.

  Shaking the lustful thoughts out of my head, I huff at his brazen attitude. He looks so fucking cocky that I want to slap that look right off his face. Clearly, the first slap I gave him didn’t knock any sense into him.

  “You’re the traitorous king,” I state stupidly.

  Without responding, he crosses the room in long strides. I take a nervous step back when he gets too close for comfort. He gives a deep bow and holds out his hand. Hesitantly, I place my hand in his. Leaning forward, he plants a gentle kiss just above my knuckles.

  “Your highness,” he breathes.

  I should laugh.

  This is ridiculous. What, are we going to role play now?

  C’mon Scar, snap out of it.

  If I just laugh him off, I can walk away like he’s some big joke and still come out on top.

  But my throat is dry and there’s nothing funny about the way his eyes are devouring me. I’m little red riding hood, and he’s the big bad wolf, ready to eat me up in a single bite. If I let it happen, I don’t think I can crawl back out of his grasp again. He has a magnetic pull that consumes me, befuddles me. A pull that I’m tired of fighting off.

  “Scarlett, you look…” His eyes dip back down to my costume, lingering on the deep v neckline that exposes my heaving chest. “You look hot as fuck,” he says in a deep, husky voice.

  I shiver with anticipation. I’m not strong enough.

  I need him, and I need him now.

  Glancing to my left, I spot a small door and walk purposefully toward it. Finding it unlocked, I swing it open and find exactly what I was hoping for.

  Looking over my shoulder, our eyes lock, and I nod my head before disappearing inside the utility closet. Reaching up, I yank on a metal chain and a dim light bulb flickers on as it swings back and forth. The sound of my heavy breathing fills the room, but I’m not left waiting long.

  Kane storms in with a dark expression. The door slams behind him, and I’m backed up against the wall.

  “Why...why can’t I stay the fuck away from you?” His voice is a mix of excitement and confusion.

  Guess I’m not the only one struggling with this carnal attraction.

  “Because you’re a horny bastard,” I snarl back. He grabs my mouth forcefully and yanks my face up to his.

  “That’s king horny bastard to you.”

  I bare my teeth with a growl. “Fuck you.”

  He grins wickedly. “Oh, you can count on it.” Looking around, he raises an eyebrow. “So, where’s this date?”

  “You know damn well I don’t have one.”


  Air rushes out of my lungs as I’m slammed back against the wall. His mouth flies to my neck as he bites into me. I whimper at how good the pain feels when I’m so incredibly turned on.

  “Is that all you’ve got?” I breathe in his ear with a dark laugh.

  With quick movements, he pulls out his throbbing dick and unrolls a condom over it. Gripping my thighs, he lifts me up and shoves me higher against the wall. Pushing up my dress and sliding over my panties, he thrusts inside. I moan in pleasure as his dick forcefully slides in and stretches me. His hand snakes out to grab my wrist, restraining me against the wall as he fucks me into oblivion.

  An orgasm rocks me quickly, but he’s far from being finished. Pulling out, he lets me slide back to the floor with a thump. I open my mouth to tell him this has been a terrible idea when his mouth crashes against mine. I part my lips and let our tongues clash in ecstasy as his hand yanks down one of my sleeves. My tit pops free, and his mouth greedily moves up as he licks and sucks at my hardened nipple.

  With a squeal, I’m flipped around to face the wall. My panties are ripped down, and I immediately spread my legs and stick out my ass. His hand slides between my cheeks and across my wet pussy. Rubbing small circles over my clit, I jerk against the cold wall as I come undone by his hand. With a satisfied grunt, he presses his dick inside me once more. He slams into me, the pain bringing me to new heights of pleasure. I rock back against him feverously, feeling another orgasm start to build; he fucks me so hard I start to see stars dance across my vision. My body winds up, muscles taut, as every nerve is lit on fire.

  I cry out the same time as I hear him grunt in pleasure.

  When he pulls out, I collapse against the wall and close my eyes, enjoying every last minute of the lingering waves of pleasure that roll through me. When my heart returns to a normal pace and I can breathe properly again, I slide my panties back on and let my body slide down the wall.

  Kane follows my lead and sits down against the door on the opposite wall.

  “Do you think...” he starts slowly, “just while we’re in here, we could pretend that we’re just those people who had an amazing date...you know, before everything went to shit.”

  “I would like that,” I whisper.

  He gives me a crooked smile. “That was incredible.”

  “Hell yes, it was.” I grin.

  “I finally see what you mean, elves are most definitely the superior race.” He chuckles.

  “I tried to tell y—Kane, are you wearing tights and a purse?” My eyes are glued to the tight thin fabric covering his thighs.

  Dropping his hands down, he drapes the cloak over his legs and the small black bag with a sheepish grin. “It’s a satchel first of all, and it’s all part of the costume…”

  I burst into laughter. “You are such a nerd.”

  “Have you looked in a mirror lately?” he shoots back.

  I clamp my lips together and nod. “Touché.”

  I rest my head against a metal cabinet and let my eyes slide to the tile floor. A heavy silence settles over us like a blanket.

  “You know this is crazy,” I say, pointing back and forth between us.

  “You don’t even know crazy.” He snorts, and I look to him curiously. “Earlier, I got into a sword fight with a thief and a wizard to defend the honor of a cat wearing a bikini.”

  “I…I don’t even know how to start unwrapping what you just said,” I admit with a laugh.

  “Trust me, I don’t either, and it happened to me.”

  I let out a breath and tap my head against the cabinet with a thump. “I just wish things weren’t so...complicated.”

  His intense gaze holds mine. “It doesn’t have to be.”

  “Don’t do that, Kane,” I warn. “We can’t...I can’t.”

  His shoulders slump, but he nods. “I know.”

  “I wish things were different. But when I think about what happened...” My voice wavers, and I have to look away.

  Looks like we couldn’t pretend for very long.

  “I’m going to wait however long it takes,” he says firmly.

  I snap my eyes back to his. “What?”

  “You heard me, Freckles. We can fight, have hate sex, scream at each other, and go toe-to-toe in this damn competition. But no matter what, I’ll be here when you’re ready to give us a chance.”

  I stand up, shaking my head
in confusion. “You don’t even know me. That’s ridiculous. Take it back,” I demand.

  He gets to his feet. “We hardly know each other, you’re right. But it’s your face I see before I fall asleep, and your voice that brings a ridiculous smile to my face. I don’t pretend to understand it, Scar, all I know is I will do whatever it takes to be with you.” His hand reaches out, and his fingers brush lightly against my cheek. “Just a chance, a second chance, that’s all I’m asking for.”

  My throat closes up with emotion as conflicted thoughts tug my heart into a million different directions, threatening to tear it apart.

  “You don’t have to say anything. Look, I’m having a game night, and I want you to be there. No expectations. Give me a chance to show you I’m not that punk kid I used to be. I’ll have Julie give you the address, just be there Friday night at six.”

  I stare at him blankly.

  “Just as friends. I know we have this weird sexual tension, but I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.” He forms a cross over his heart.

  Without a word, I push past him, escaping his crystal stare and the tiny closet.

  It’s not until I’m outside the convention center, in the fresh air and away from the crowd, that I can finally breathe.



  I drum my fingers against the window I’ve been staring out of for the past ten minutes. My watch reads five till, which means she’s probably not coming.

  Why would she?

  I pace the kitchen, ignoring my mom’s curious stare.

  “You really like this girl.”

  I roll my eyes. “She’s just a friend, Mom.”

  “I see,” she says slowly. “Is that why you’ve bitten all your nails down to nubs?”

  I cut her a dirty look. “It’s not like that. I mean, well, it was, but I was a dick to her in a game a few years ago, and I kind of had to be bribed to date her...just, it’s a long story.”

  “You were mean to this precious girl? I raised you better than that…”

  I slam my head back against the doorframe with a groan. “You’ve never even met her—why are you sticking up for her and not your own son?!”

  She jumps up and takes a seat on the counter. “Hoes before bros.” She shrugs as she grabs an olive from the vegetable tray and pops it into her mouth.

  “Ma!” I yell.

  “Lasses before asses.”

  I slam my head again. It’s definitely better that she isn’t coming—what the hell was I even thinking? That it would be a good idea to bring her to this insane asylum?

  “Oooh Kane is getting stood up by a giiiirl,” Jack sings from the living room.

  “Am not!” I yell back.

  “Why is anyone surprised?” I hear Max mutter under his breath.

  “It’s because your brother verbally abused her online!” Mom yells back and smiles over at me like she’s being helpful.

  I gotta get out of here.

  Dad’s deep voice rumbles from behind me. “I wouldn’t be too sure clan.” I swivel to see him pressed up to the front door’s peephole. “Looks like Kane might lose his virginity before forty after all kids.”

  My brothers both snigger as I lunge forward and punch Dad in the shoulder.

  The next minute, there’s a hesitant knock. I push Dad out of the way and grip the door handle. With a deep breath, I turn back to my family.

  “Remember what I told you,” I hiss. “Don’t be assholes or nobody gets to do the thing. I’m serious—yeah, I’m looking at you, too, Mom. Pretend to be a nice, normal family for just this one night,” I beg.

  Dad nudges Mom with his elbow. “Man, he really likes this girl,” he tells her in a half whisper.

  “Maybe he’s not gay after all,” she whispers back as she rubs her chin in thought.

  I tilt my head back and look to the ceiling. “Oh God, this was a bad idea.”

  Regretting all the life decisions I made that led me to this point, I slap on a smile and open the door. Scarlett looks startled when our gazes meet, and her large round eyes make me worried that she might make a run for it.

  I give her a gentle smile. “You made it.”

  She shrugs nonchalantly. “Yeah, well, I’m a sucker for game night.” She spins the sucker in her mouth and looks away.

  “About that.” I swallow hard. “I may have forgot to mention that this is game night...with my family.”

  Her mouth opens and shuts several times before she sputters, “wait, what?”

  “Yeah, but, honestly, they’re really cool.”

  Liar, liar, pants on fire!

  “No no no no no.” She shakes her head frantically. Spinning on her heels, she begins to walk back toward her car. “Not happening, Karnage,” she shouts over her shoulder.

  I’m on her in an instant, reaching out, grabbing her hand, and forcing her to come to a stop. She whips around, eyes lit with a dangerous fire.

  “No, Kane. I am not meeting your family, not with all this weirdness going on between us—and look at how I’m dressed. This is not a ‘meet the parents’ outfit.” She lets out an exasperated sigh as she sweeps her arms over her body.

  I take a second to let my eyes wander across her body. Her red hair is in two long braids, those bright blue sunglasses pushed up on her head like the day I first met her. She has on a white shirt that says ‘Choose your weapon’ with a bunch of different game controller designs. Her black jeans are ripped at the thighs and knees.

  To me, she looks like nerd heaven.

  With her soft hand still in mine, I give it a small squeeze. “You look beautiful, Freckles.”

  She sighs, but there’s a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Kane…”

  “You’re already here. Plus, you hate me anyway, so why do you care what they think?” I tease.

  She bites down on her lip. “I don’t hate you…I just, I just can’t like you. Not right now at least.” Her eyes plead with me to understand.

  And I do.

  Like me, a competitive nature runs deep in her blood. If she admits to herself she likes me, lets down her guard even a little, she’s scared she won’t give the competition her all. She might even let me win. And the way her mother controls her like a puppet with strings, she sees winning this internship as her only real chance of escape.

  The reason I know this is because it’s exactly how I feel. I’ve already talked myself out of pulling from the competition several times, so it would be one less person she would have to compete against. But every time, I’ve had to push down the urge, because this is also my one real shot to get my foot in the competitive door of game design.

  The competition looms over us like a storm, threatening to strike us with lightning, the moment we get closer. No matter how much chemistry we have or the potential for a relationship that could be out of this world phenomenal, we remain at a standstill.

  “I get it,” I say finally. “Do this for me today and...I promise for the next month, I won’t talk to you, won’t even look at you until after the competition. We can be true rivals, enemies, just like you want.”

  Hurt ripples across her features but is gone as quickly as it came.

  She gives a curt nod. “Deal.”

  I hold out my hand, and we shake on it. I linger for a minute, her palm pressed against mine. Reaching up with my free hand, I grip the stick of her lollipop and tug it free from her lips. As she opens her mouth to say something, I yank her toward me, and with a squeal, her lips crash against mine. I kiss her soft and slow, savoring the sugary taste of her candy coated lips.

  A kiss that I pray will cling to her thoughts as I keep my distance.

  Her face glows with happiness when I pull back. Something catches her attention as she looks over my shoulder and back at the house. Her lips press together as if she’s trying to hold back a laugh.

  I turn to see four grinning faces in the kitchen window, watching us for god knows how long. Raising my hand, I stick out my middle finger, and with the
flutter of curtains, they scatter like cockroaches.

  “I’m preemptively apologizing for whatever they say or do.”

  She laughs. “A night dedicated to games and embarrassing you? Now I really can’t say no.” Snatching back her candy, she sidesteps me and heads for the house. With a shake of my head, I sprint ahead of her and open the door.

  Her air of confidence slightly diminishes when she steps into the living room and finds four sets of eyes on her.

  I stand beside her with an encouraging smile. “Guys, this is Scarlett, those are my brothers, Max and Jack.” When I gesture toward them, Jack waves and Max nods a “what up?” “And this is my dad.”

  He moves forward and shakes her hand. “It’s very nice to meet you. Dig the shirt.” He winks, and Scarlett blushes. I cut him a warning look. My dad is admittedly quite the charmer with his steel gray eyes and dimpled smile. I hate going shopping with him, all the women bat their eyes and swoon, and he just eats it up. He’s loyal as a dog—but he sure loves to wag his tail at the attention.

  Mom swoops in before I have the chance to introduce her. “Scarlett, honey, I am so glad you could make it to game night. Be warned these boys get a little rowdy and competitive, but their bark is worse than their bite.”

  Scarlett grins. “Trust me, Mrs. Decker, that won’t be a problem.”

  My mom wrinkles her nose. “My does that make me feel old! Just call me Annie, and my husband is plain ol’ Zach.”

  Scarlett beams at her and nods. “You have a beautiful home, Annie.”

  Mom leans forward. “It was, before these animals got through with it,” she mutters, making Scarlett laugh.

  Dad claps and waves everyone to the center of the living room. We all sit around the folding table that now takes up the middle of the room. There’s a large white board propped up against the wall behind him with all of our names listed to the left.

  “Okay, listen up nerds,” he starts with the stern tone of a commander directing his army. “We have an ass ton of games and a new player joining us today.” He points to the corner where our pile of board games is stacked neatly. “Some games we’ll pair off for, and others, we’ll play all together. Anytime you win, you get a point. Whoever gets the most points by the end of the night wins this beauty right here.” From the top of the bookshelf, he brings down a glass jar. Inside is a twenty-five-dollar Visa card surrounded by brightly colored candy and foil wrapped chocolates.